
What Is The Theme Of Because I Could Not Stop For Death

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DeNardo2Isabella DeNardoMrs. ReaAP English20 October 2017“Because I Could Not Stop for Death” Poetry AnalysisThe poem “Because I could Not Stop for Death”, written by Emily Dickinson, isconsidered to be one of the greatest masterpieces in American history. This poem is about thereflection of death and focuses on what happens in the life after death. Many normally think ofdeath as scary and often won't accept it, however, in this poem Dickinson personifies Death andmakes him out to be a compassionate gentlemen. Not only is Death not feared anymore but alsoaccepted in this poem. It gives a new outlook on how one looks at death and the after life. EmilyDickinson’s poem can be interpreted in many different ways due to the use of other literarydevices …show more content…

The fifth stanza “Wepaused before a house that seemed… The cornice in the ground” lines 17-20 depict the the burialsite of the narrator. The definition of a cornice is “an ornamental molding around the wall of aroom just below a ceiling”. This image conveys to the audience that her “house”, or grave, isburied deep in the ground most likely having to relate to the time this poem was written in. Inaddition, she shows her comfort in death, as if it is something pleasant, like a house. Shedescribes the house by saying “Swelling of the Ground” which is an example of imagery becauseit shows a fresh burial site.In conclusion, Emily Dickinson was able to express her outlook on Death and who hewas as a person. Dickinson also brought to about the idea of how death is more comforting like ahouse. With the use of literary devices we can further understand, as an audience, who Deathwas to the speaker. Through Emily Dickinson’s writing style and the use of figurative languageand literary devices such as personification, symbolism, and imagery, she was able to convey thejourney of life and the life after Death. She overcame stereotypes in this poem and made Deathkind and compassionate and gave a new perspective on

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