
Hospitality In The Odyssey

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Since you were a toddler, you’ve probably heard the saying, “Treat others how you want to be treated.” This idea, although taken much more seriously, was heavily embedded in the culture of the Greek and thus has had an appearance throughout the book The Odyssey. The Odyssey was originally written by Homer, an ancient Greek, and has been translated by many different people. The story describes the struggle of Odysseus trying to return home after participating in the Trojan War. This tedious journey lasted years, meanwhile, Odysseus’ son, Telemahkos, and wife, Penelope, hold off suitors who are trying to woe Penelope into marriage. Since the story takes place in ancient Greek, the idea of hospitality constantly appears throughout The Odyssey, as it was believed that by treating all strangers you meet with kindness to avoid the chance of mistreating a God in disguise. Because of this constant appearance in the story, the idea that you should be hospitable, or kind, to others you meet is the most important theme conveyed in The Odyssey. The main reason why Greeks were very hospitable to strangers was because Greek gods often visited people in human form to test them, and so Greeks treated strangers with the idea that they may be gods. This is exactly what happened when Athena, the Greek god of wisdom and military victory, visited Ithaca to talk to Telemahkos, disguised as a man named Mentes. As soon as Telemahkos meets Athena, he invites her to his feast. “‘Greetings, stranger!

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