
What Is The Thesis For The Other Moore

Decent Essays

Independent Reading Essay
Charlie Acquart
Mrs. Jakubka
Period 3 The Other Wes Moore The book "The Other Wes Moore" is about two young men that experienced childhood difficulties that were similar however wound up driving themselves into altogether different lives. The creator Wes Moore has turned into an exceptional businessman, and has been perceived as a Rhodes Scholar, White House Fellow, and respectable veteran. "Other" Wes Moore was included in a burglary and that got him sentenced to life in jail without any parol and he was additionally associated with an indicted kill. Both experienced a similar childhood in Baltimore where they hung out on road corners and didn’t do the best things with their lives but rather their fates turned into the direct inverse. …show more content…

Both Wes' grew up in a similar way however one of them chose a better decisions as he went through his life. In the book, Wes Moore states "The chilling truth is that his story could have been mine. The disaster is that my story could have been his" (Wes Moore 1). This quote shows that the “Other” could of easily had the chance to have a better life than Wes Moore but the actions that he chose to do cost him his future and having a lifetime sentence in prison. On the otherhand Wes Moore likewise had the opportunity to be an awful individual growing up yet subsequent to being a veteran from the armed force, he turned into an exceptionally shrewd individual and was blessed to transform into an extremely great representative. He proved himself to his mother and came back from military school to have a very happy relationship with his

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