
What Is The Vedic Age Essay

Decent Essays

The Vedic age in India started around 1500 BC with the arrival of Aryans, an Indo-European tribe from central Asia near the Caspian Sea. Aryans settled along the banks of the Indus and its tributaries in the northern part of the subcontinent. Initially, it was a tribal society centred in northwest India and by 1000 BC, it spread along the Gangetic plain with the development of modern agriculture. Aryans dominated the local indigenous population and often ruled over them. Over time, the interbreeding with the local residents led to the emergence of mixed culture. The Vedic age lasted from 1500 BC to 500 BC. Agriculture and cattle rearing were the main occupations of the people. The Vedas and Upanishads were written during this period. The early Vedic beliefs formed the foundation of Hinduism. People worshipped Gods such as Indra, Agni, Varuna, Vayu, Prajapati, Vishnu, Rudra, etc. The society was divided into four castes based on the profession of the people; Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras. Women had a respectable position in the society and they …show more content…

Pushyamitra Sunga, a Brahmin, established the Sunga Dynasty that ruled Magadha till 73 BC. He was hostile to Buddhism and ordered the destruction of several Buddhist monasteries. There was a revival in Hinduism during this brief period and the Sunga Dynasty made attempts to revive the caste system. The Sunga rulers believed in Vedic sacrifices such as Asvamedha, Rajsuya and Vajpeiya. This period is known for developments in literature and language as Patanjali, a renowned scholar, published a treatise on the rules of Sanskrit grammar. The Sunga Empire collapsed in 73 BC, when its last ruler, Devabhuti was deposed by his minister, Vasudeva, who founded the Kanva Dynasty. The Kanva dynasty ruled Magadha from 73 BC to 30 BC. There was high political instability in India during this

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