
What Is Utilitarianism?

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Utilitarianism is a theory in ethics that believes in maximizing happiness for the purpose of satisfying people. The theory simultaneously brings happiness and consequences. Even though it may have consequences, it is said to bring happiness to the majority of people. However, the meaning behind this principle is vague because doing things to maximize happiness may be right or wrong under some circumstances. However, the idea of utilitarianism is narrowed down into two different types: act and rule. Act utilitarianism is a theory that states that a person’s act is morally right “if and only if” it produces as much happiness as any other actions a person could take at that time. An example of this is going to the movies versus going to the orphanage to do charity service. According to act utilitarianism, if you were to choose from these actions, going to the orphanage to do charity service is morally right because you can produce “more overall happiness in the world”.
On the other hand, rule utilitarianism is another form of utilitarianism that says that an action is the right decision as long as it agrees to a rule that leads to a greater good. It is said …show more content…

If the majority like homosexuality, then it is acceptable since Utilitarians, as said before, do not focus on whether something is right or wrong; they are only motivated to maximize happiness. If the case is different, then it is consider inacceptable. Also, as said before, Act and Rule utilitarians have different views. Act utilitarians believe that if homosexuality does not bring the greatest amount of people happiness, then it is considered bad. Rule utilitarians accept these actions since human rights are considered one of the moral rules for them. On the other hand, Libertarians accept homosexuality because it is a situation where an individual has a right to express their feelings, which is based on the idea of

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