
What Is Victor Frankenstein Evil

Decent Essays

There is great discussion on whether Victor Frankenstein's creature is evil or not. I have concluded that the creature is not evil for three reasons. Firstly, because of his generous actions. Secondly, because of the simple things the creature enjoys, showing his innocence. Lastly, because of his sympathetic emotions. After reading the next three paragraphs, the understanding as to why the creature is not evil will be clearly understood, starting with his generous actions. The creatures generous actions are shown when he begins to tell his story. My first point as to why the creature is not evil is because of the generous actions he makes. These all include things he has done for DeLacey's family. Firstly, he helps DeLacey's family by cutting …show more content…

Victor's creatures shows his innocent thus goodness through the things he enjoys and likes. My second point as to why the creature is not evil is because of the things he shows enjoyment in. These include many simple, innocent things. First, he shows enjoyment in the sound of birds. The creature states,"I was delighted when I first discovered that a pleasant sound.." (Shelley 308). This shows how delighted he is by something so small, which surely shows innocence. Secondly he shows innocence by liking DeLacey's music. If a creature was evil, they would not enjoy the sound of an old man playing guitar and the creature clearly states that the sound is "divine" (Shelley 329). Lastly, he shows gentleness and innocence through being grateful for the weather. Most evil creatures would not enjoy the weather or even mention it, but the creature shows his gratefulness greatly many times. An example of his gratefulness is when he says,"Soon a gentle light stole over the heavens and gave me a sensation of pleasure" (Shelley 307). As a result, the creature shows again that not only is he evil because of his actions, but also through the things he enjoys such as nature and music. Although there is already many reasons why the creature is not evil, there is many

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