
The Role Of Destruction In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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“The world is yours, your actions dictate your future”, these are all things that are told to young children growing up. Being that there is so much freedom given to society, for them to create their own paths also leaves much room for error or mistakes, In the story “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley the author uses characters to portray a certain understanding on how ignoring personal dilemmas can cause greater destruction.
Throughout the story the author uses constant instances that allows us to reflect on responsibilities we may disregard due to fear of the result, and how neglecting the issue only allows room for further complications. Mary Shelley shows that happening when Frankenstein neglects and abandons the creature. Frankenstein's immediate reaction when faced with an obstacle was to run away. Unfortunately, this shows the true character of Victor Frankenstein. The best way to understand a person's real qualities, and values is to place them in a situation that is character building, or maybe even a little uncomfortable. Although, Victor knew that leaving the creature was wrong, he continued with his actions which resulted in a deserved consequence. The creature responded negatively due to the fact that the only person he ever interacted with left him. This influences the creatures outlook on humans because this was the first ever experience with them. …show more content…

The murder of the boy could have been possibly prevented if Victor had taken responsibility for his actions and not neglect his creature. The moral is that ignoring predicaments does not erase the situation, it fuels the fire and eventually, if not properly cared for, others can be affected negatively too. Therefore, taking responsibility for oneself actions can not only prevent future problems, but it can avoid hurting the innocent people

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