
What Leadership Means To Me

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Leadership is something that is of incredible importance to myself. I am a naturally outspoken person and tend to take charge in group activities. Due to both my intelligence and self-confidence, people tend to look towards me for leadership. However, that is simply the position that I am in, it does not speak to the actual quality of leadership nor what leadership means to me. Leadership is the ability to bring out the best in those around you, to recognize their strengths and weaknesses, along with your own, and work to optimize those strengths and compensate for those weaknesses. However, when one does this, it is not simply about dictating orders, but working in coordination with a group of people. Therefore, being a leader does not mean …show more content…

However, when describing these, I cannot talk about personal accomplishments, rather I must speak of the effect I have had on others. I feel my greatest accomplishments are those I achieve while I volunteer in Karate, as I have the privilege of tutoring young people. Among them, I see so much potential, not just as martial artists but as people. When I encounter those I find especially in need of help, I try my best to go out of my way to provide it, not just by telling them what to do, however. I find that those who have trouble rarely have it due to blatant incompetence, but a lack of confidence, so I do what I can to instill self-confidence within them. Sometimes I do this simply through encouragement or private instruction if they are nervous. However, I find the best solution is to work on these issues at their root. I begin transitioning them into working in front of other people, or bringing them to the front row of the lineup, never entirely alone. In doing so, they become more comfortable working with others. Furthermore, among those who have a particular talent in a certain technique, I try to expose them to teaching, building their confidence in themselves and their abilities by instructing students in need of help. Some of those students, in fact, begin to help regularly without supervision. I feel my greatest accomplishments as a leader has been instilling in my students the confidence in their abilities and themselves. It is important to me to do what little I can to promote self-confidence in my

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