
What Makes Lies A Lie Essay

Decent Essays

Lies have a bad rap. We were taught that lying is a bad thing, morally wrong, and corrosive to trust, yet we find ourselves lying and being lied to every day of our lives. The hypocrisy leaves us struggling with our declared honesties, and ignoring our waning voice of conscience.
But lies play villain roles less because of any inherent evil, and more because of misuse. A lie could be used for good, as easily as for bad.
What is a lie

So what do we mean by a lie? What makes a lie a lie?
To be very clear any statement that pretends to give an accurate description of the way something is or was, and is not, is a lie.
This is the case no matter how cute the non-sense, or whether the person telling the lie knows it’s a lie or not. This means a person can tell a lie but not be a liar, i.e someone who habitually communicates with the intent to mislead.
It also means that any …show more content…

Indeed no fiction. Oh, and no surprise parties.
The lie about lying
The lie about lying, is that it's necessarily bad or wrong to tell a lie.

Our indoctrination into this lie is what allows as to shame anyone caught in a lie, regardless of the context in which it was told; it's what has us needlessly conflicted about telling any lie regardless of our intent.
And it's not that the end justifies the means i.e. that because we got a good end result we can overlook our use of a bad thing—telling a lie— to get it. It's that some lies are a force for good, and I'll say more about that next time.

It all depends on intent.
A truth can destroy mood, confidence and self-image more brutally and completely than a lie. The world will not be a better place when people stop telling lies, because lies are also instruments of kindness, wonder and joy. The world will be a better place when people stop telling the ones that create hate, greed and division, and it's vital we all become practiced at noticing the

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