
What Makes Me A Sister?

Decent Essays

What Makes Me a Sister ? I am a sister. When I say that, I mean more than just being a sibling, more than just having a title to carry around when introducing myself to new people or to strangers in general. By that I mean not just saying “that 's my brother” without any emotion or just ignoring the fact that we are related. To be called a sister is to care for someone you spend everyday with; being a sister is to educate, to be an example, to show them what is right and what is wrong, but most important is to guide to lead and make him understand the path as well to assist in the struggles that might come him in the future. When I was 9 years old my mom told me she was pregnant. As an only child I didn 't know what it was going to be like, to have to share my mom with someone else when I could barely share my toys with my friends. Also I thought how this changes would affect my life along with my social life. Then seven months later my baby brother was born, I still recall the day in which I had officially became a big sister I have to admit I was uncertain about my feelings about my new role. But I took this as a challenge to have a chance to learn something new that I didn’t know at the time, even if I had baby like dolls at the end of the day it was a completely different experiences; to be able to feed him, hold him, change him an to care of him, was an amazing and new experience . At that time I was still unsure about my feelings, yes I was jealous

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