
Essay about What Martin Luther Can Teach Us About Conscience

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The “95 Theses” were written in 1517 by a German cleric and theology lecturer named Martin Luther. His fundamental ideas ignited an eventual split up from the church and led to the Protestant Reformation. He conceived the “95 Theses” to express his concern with the corruption in the place of adoration. His Theses crucially called for a full restructure of the church member place of adoration and disputed other scholars to contention with him on activities of position of adoration standard. Luther handed out his “95 Theses” absolutely identifying that he faced excommunication and even death for arguing the culture and convictions of the location of adoration constituent location of adoration. To do so was suggested heresy against God. In …show more content…

. . .and another. . . .and another. . . .and another, planning get away from the stately snare, occasionally rather spectacularly. But Luther didn’t need any of that when he took his well known stand at Worms. What he did appreciate was that he was eager to tolerate expulsion and face the gravest bodily impairment for the sake of his conscience. And not “conscience” as some liberated, self-directed, autonomous feeling. But conscience held “captive to the saying of God.” It’s not an exaggeration to state that the annals of the Reformation, the annals of Germany, the annals of Europe, the annals of the place of adoration, and really the annals of the world were changed because Martin Luther turned down to do and say what he knew in his head and heart to be incorrect. As Christians, we don’t accept as factual about the implication of our consciences as much as we should. Of course, the conscience is not infallible. It can be bad (Heb. 10:22), seared (1 Tim. 4:2), defiled (Titus 1:15), or weak (1 Cor. 8:7). But that doesn’t permit us to disregard our conscience. There are more than a dozen events where the New Testament makes a quotation to the testimony of the conscience.
For example:
• Acts 23:1 “And looking intently at the council, Paul said, ‘Brothers, I have lived my life before God in all good conscience up to this day.’”
• Romans 9:1 “I am speaking the truth in Christ-I am not lying; my conscience

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