
What Relationships Of Power Are Included In The Declaration Of Sentiments

Decent Essays

2) What relationships of power are featured in “The Discord: (Document 4)? How the Declaration of Sentiments (documents 3) does reveals the nature of gender relationships in nineteenth century America? Based upon your knowledge of this time period, do you agree with these sentiment, why or why not?

The Discord is one of the perfect example of women willingness to fight for their right. In this picture it illustrates a man and woman pulling on the same pant, both refused to give up, showing struggle for equal right from the woman, as for the man he’s refuse to accepted this facts and that he is willing to fight for it. As women strive for equality within the relationships, they becomes more aware that they can handled business just …show more content…

But the roles of women will soon influence American significantly, one woman who have that kind of influence is Abigail Adams wife of John Adams the founder and second president of the United States. Even though Abigail is self-educate she was very intelligent who believed that woman’s role was domestic and that they should be recognize, she also the one who urge her husband to not forget about the nation’s women who help fight for impedance against Great Britain. Even if her letter as brush off but this marks the first step for women to fight for their equal rights. Mercy Warren’s is another explained, she was the woman who believe in protecting human rights and publically reflecting her writing on liberty and on democracy encouraging other women, her influence was so great that it even reached John Locke himself and other philosophers who also believe in natural right. Other movement throughout the history were after the Second Great Awaking, reform movement such as temperance movement against alcohol, and to reduce teetotalers, most women

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