
What Role Did Women Play In The Colonies

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Women and Their Roles in the Colonies
Traditionally in the eighteenth century, women had little effect over colonial affairs. Women of that time had spent their years working at home as farm wives. Traditionally in the colonial times girls learned their gender roles from the examples of their mothers, and by the time the girls were thirteen, they were expected to help their mothers in all tasks of the adult women. The tasks of women included taking care of the young children, buying and preparing food, directing the activities of indentured servants or slaves, and doing all the other household chores. Mothers were also often the primary spiritual instructors in the home. It was very difficult and exhausting, but some middle class and wealthy women had servants who would help them. But it changed temporarily during 1770s when women across Boston agreed to boycott, and as it is stated in article 5-7 that without them the boycott against the Townshend duties would fail. American women, ordinarily excluded from public affairs, became important to the nonimportation movement by making homespun cloth. “This surge in domestic …show more content…

In document 6-13, a letter to her husband John Adams, Abigail Adams writes that a group of women around one hundred or so gathered by a merchant's store and demanded he give up all of his coffee because he was selling it at high prices and he controlled a lot of it. He refused but they tossed him into a cart and eventually they got the keys, and took all of the coffee. Soon women started to speak up more about their rights and their roles in the colonial government. “Abigail Adams demanded equal legal rights for married women, who under common law could not own property, enter into contracts, or initiate lawsuits” (Henretta 177). Even though Abigail Adams and many other women stood up for their rights, most politicians ignored the woman's

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