
What Role Does Race Play In Religion

Decent Essays

Race perhaps, can play a major role toward a person’s faith or doubt in the existence of God. For instance, the article by James Baldwin, “The fire next time”, he mentions that “I do not know many Negroes who are eager to be accepted by white people, still less to be loved by them; they, the blacks, simply don’t wish to be beaten over the head by the whites every day. Neither civilized reason nor Christian love would cause any of those people to treat you as they presumably wanted to be treated… (Baldwin, 1963, p.21).” This sentence may imply that, although the Christian faith claims the importance of “loving thee neighbors as yourself” (NIV, Mark 12 verse 31), some of the white supremacist Christian’s in America may choose to enslave the African …show more content…

Therefore, Hedges would disagree with Baldwin and Hitchens that religion has nothing to do with perspective of a human heart. Another theology would have supported Hedges is Kelly Brown Douglas, who wrote “what’s faith got to do with it?” Douglas stated in her introduction that “I am a Christian because my grandmother were, and it was their Christian faith that helped them to survive the harsh realities of what it meant for them to be poor black women in America (Douglas, 2005, xi).” The text may imply that relying on any religion can bring comfort in times of grieves and hardship. In conclusion, in the Christian bible, it states “And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord (NIV, Joshua 24 verse 15).” Perhaps some human’s heart intend to rely on different forms of religion in order to display cruelty and bigotry to other tribe, which leads to criticism and confusion that God does not

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