
What Sparked Wachowski's 'Knowledge In The Film'

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The aforementioned question was raised during the film when Morpheus asked Neo an important question, although basic in comparison to the plot of the film. Morpheus simply asked Neo, “This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes”. I think the idea of knowledge being a truly powerful force is what sparked Wachowski’s imagination, and because of this, was the idea for the film. The concept of knowledge (or lack of it), was demonstrated through the constant twists and turns throughout the film. In dystopian environments, knowledge is a limited resource …show more content…

When Neo escaped from the Matrix, he joined up with Morpheus and a few others, with the eventual goal of bringing down the Matrix and releasing everybody being kept prisoner by it. This shows the power those who are oppressed can have when they gain knowledge they are not supposed to have, and this is an issue explored in dystopian worlds. Neo took the red pill, a decision I too would have made. This revealed to us Neo’s thirst for knowledge and to what extent he was willing to go to gain information. In my opinion Neo made the correct decision in selecting the red pill. I feel that someone who strives for perfection, and somebody who strives to always do better should have the same thirst for knowledge that Neo had. When the question was initially asked of Neo, I did not see how he could turn it down; being given the chance to learn one of the biggest secrets on your planet, to me, was too good an opportunity to turn down. As a consequence of this it did not shock me when Neo decided to take the red

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