
What Type Of Conduct Should Be Legal

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In this essay, I will discuss what type of conduct I believe should be criminalised and why this is so. Because criminalisation stigmatizes individuals, it is something that we should be careful with. Being labelled as a murderer has a very high impact on one’s life, whether it is to find a job, a home or just to create relationships; people get blamed for being wrongdoers. Therefore, I believe that offensive conduct should not be criminalised, most of the time at least. The mere judgement of something to be “offensive” is subjective; who is to decide what is offensive and what is not? To criminalise harm done to others, I agree, as does mostly everyone else; it is very uncontroversial as a principle. Indeed, even though there is two views of the harm principle which I will discuss later on, intellectuals agree that this type of conduct should be prohibited. For what other types of conduct should be criminalised, I share Feinberg 's view that other principles never justify criminalization. Society evolves with time and some of the things we see as normal now, were seen as offensive or wrong in another decade. Until 1967, homosexuality was criminalised and people were sent to prison for things they did in private. At the time, society saw homosexual acts, even those performed in private, as offensive; and homosexuals were stigmatized. This is what Feinberg calls legal moralism: to “prohibit conduct on the ground that it is inherently immoral, although it causes neither harm

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