
Essay about What Was Life Like for People Living in Nazi Germany?

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What was life like for people living in Nazi Germany?
In Nazi Germany life for the Germans was terrible. You had to know who you could trust, as trusting the wrong person may cause you to loose your life. The Nazis and mainly Hitler really disliked Jews and anyone else that was not their perfect 'Aryan'.
Hitler and the Nazis came up with the Nazi Racial Policy, in 1933 to try and persuade Jews to emigrate there was the Boycott of Jewish shops. Shop windows got Jewish symbols painted on them, members of the SA would stand outside to threaten shoppers and anyone who did go in the shops would have their name put on a list so the Nazis would know who was using the Jewish shops. Jews were banned from all state jobs such as civil servants, …show more content…

In the Nazis eyes Jehovahs witness's were 'undesirable' because their beliefs were different to the Nazis. Gypsy's and Jews were also seen as 'undesirable' as they did not fit the Nazis 'Aryans' (blonde hair, blue eyes etc) Anyone who had more than one grandparent who themself was Jewish you too were considered Jewish. This made life very restricted, if you were 'undesirable' then you were sent to a concentration camp, for anyone who was lucky enough not to be sent there but to be able to live in their home but by the Nazis rules.
There was lots of violence in the streets and so much fear in the air. People were dragged out of their homes and taken away violently. Many people were beaten and sometimes killed in the streets. This was a terrible ordeal for people living in Nazi Germany, even if you were not the ones being beaten, seeing your friends and neighbors being beaten would be torrible. Over 6 million Jews were killed by the Nazis during Hitlers years in power.
In conclusion life was terrible for people living in Nazi Germany, after Kristallnacht in November 1938 Jews were treated terribly and many were killed. Nazi Germany was a very dark time for the civilians. This was Hitlers aim; to make life hell for Jews and any

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