
What Was The Pros And Cons Of The Cold War

Decent Essays

A shocking and dreadful war began back in 1955, November 1st to be exact. Except, it was NOT a war. Vietnam was never a war, it was a conflict and the U.S. was never supposed to be in the battle, but they jumped in anyways which led to many internal and external problems for our veterans.
The American “war” in Vietnam was never only, or even primarily, about Vietnam. The Cold War, with the United States and its allies competing with the Soviets and the Chinese, shaped much of the American strategy in Vietnam. A pivotal period of U.S. involvement in Vietnam, punctuated by three important events. The Overthrow and Assassination of South Vietnam’s president Ngo Dinh Diem; President Kennedy’s decision on October 2nd to begin the withdrawal of …show more content…

Our misjudgments of friend and foe alike reflected our profound ignorance of history, and we have failed to recognize the limitations of modern, high-technology military equipment, forces and doctrine in confronting unconventional, highly motivated peoples movements.
We failed to draw congress and the American people into a full and frank discussion and debate of the pros and cons of a large scale U.S. military involvement. After the action go under way, we failed to retain popular support in part because we did not explain fully what was happening and why we were doing what we did.
Underlying many of these errors lay our failure to organize the top rank in an organization, of the executive branch to deal effectively with the extraordinarily complex range of political and military issues, involving the great risks and costs. Failure in one area contributed to or compounded failure in another. Each became a turn in a terrible …show more content…

Let’s start by making cards. Schools are making thank you cards for Veterans who has served. Don’t just say “Thank you for your service”, say more than that. Tell them how great flu you are to live in a free country and how you get an education, you get to be with your friends. Veterans helped everyone get to live that way, so say more than just thank you.
If you see a Veteran, or someone wearing a hat saying “I served Vietnam” “World War 2 Vet” etc. then go up to them. Shake their hand and talk for a little bit. Some Veterans like to talk about their war time stories. They like to know they have someone who knows what reason they fought for, even though some Vietnam Veterans didn’t know what the reason was. They like to know that their story can be passed on to others and we get to learn about how terrifying the war was.

Vietnam was never a war, it was a conflict and the U.S. was never suppose to be in the battle, but they jumped in anyways which led to many internal and external problems for our Veterans. All the facts about Vietnam, proves it was a conflict. And it wasn’t our soldiers choice, yet they were still to blame. Today let us respect these people like they should have in the first place, just by shaking their

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