
What Was Thomas Jefferson A Success Or Failure

Satisfactory Essays

Leo Mayora
Mrs.Stanton Per 4 US History
Common Core Essay
27 November, 2017

Thomas Jefferson is widely recognized as one of the great heroes of American history. Even Jefferson himself was aware of his historical importance, and to help define his legacy, he wrote his own epitaph. On his tombstone, he wanted written “Here was buried Thomas Jefferson Author of the Declaration of American Independence, of the Statute of Virginia for religious freedom, Father of the University of Virginia.” Interestingly enough, he did not include the purchase of the Louisiana Territory. Why would Jefferson fail to include the most important land acquisition in U.S. history as among his greatest accomplishments? As president, he authorized this purchase, ultimately considered one of the greatest real estate deals ever made. A mere $15 million dollars doubled the size of the United States, acquiring economic resources, strategic advantages, and political power. It also removed obstacles to westward expansion, setting the nation on the road to become a continental power. Why would Jefferson not recognize this as a significant personal accomplishment? Did he …show more content…

There was not specific language in the Constitution that authorized the government to make such acquisitions of foreign territory, so many people viewed Jefferson’s actions as unconstitutional. They also viewed it as hypocritical, given his previously strict constructionist stance and heavy criticism of others for stepping beyond the bounds of the Constitution. Jefferson made many attempts to validate the authorization, arguing, for instance, that “What is practicable must often control what is pure theory.” He meant that the practical benefits of the purchase were more important than his own personal constitutional beliefs. Certainly, although controversial, the purchase of Louisiana allowed the United States to flourish in ways that one could not have

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