Consequences happen to the people who are doing wrong. Quite like some people will do what they want without thinking of the bad, injuring people or taking their life or something else and the consequences, they don't know what they may get. Like they could get arrested, they could get jumped by multiple people or get killed.but they are just waiting to happen because they don’t know what is right. In the Tragedy Of Macbeth By William Shakespeare. Talking about Macbeth ambitions leading him to his downfall. Like killing Banquo and Fleance fleeing away. Or the witches and the prophecy how no man born of women can kill Macbeth, but yet did he know he should have asked questions to those witches. Also when Macbeth killed Banquo he didn’t know he would be haunted by his ghost due to guiltiness and craziness. …show more content…
Killing Banquo to stop the prophecy and because he was there when the witches gave Macbeth the prophecy so Macbeth felt like he should kill all the witnesses so he killed him. Then tried to kill Banquo’s son Fleance so he won’t be king. Macbeth was feeling guilty before losing his mind and started to hallucinate Banquo and Macbeth felt like it was torturing him and himself.
Macbeth wanted a lot of people gone and Macduff happened to be on that list so Macbeth sent assassins, three murders kill Macduff. When the murders thought they were killing Macduff they saw he wasn’t home, but his son and wife was there so they killed the kid and the wife. Macduff does not find out till later, but when he does, he wants to kill Macbeth badly. And macbeth doesn't know that Macduff will get his revenge. Cause he is the prophecy and he kills Macbeth, but Macbeth has no clue to his obsession that no man born of women could kill him but little does he know Macduff kills
Macbeth’s first attempt at manipulation was unsuccessful. “If you shall cleave to my consent, when ‘tis/ it shall make honor for you.” (II, i). Macbeth is trying to get Banquo to join him because he suspects Banquo may know about the murder of Duncan. Banquo is decent and doesn’t trust the witches’ prophecies so he chooses not to join Macbeth. Banquo shows his courage by standing up to Macbeth and doing what is right, not what is easy. Because Macbeth has failed to manipulate Banquo he decides to have him killed by two henchmen. In addition, he tells them to kill Banquo’s son,
After he had attained his destiny, Macbeth felt that Banquo would become a serious threat. He did not like the fact that Banquo was destined to be a father to a whole line of kings. "Our fears in Banquo stick deep, and in his royalty of nature reigns that which would be feared...If `t be so, for Banquo's issue have I filed my mind; for them the gracious Duncan have I murdered..."(85). The path Macbeth chooses to take in order to stay at the throne was to have Banquo killed. But, Macbeth was never destined to kill anyone. Killing Duncan, Banquo and Macduff's whole household were all his decisions to attain his destiny.
After Macbeth died, I, Malcom, became king and had to deal with the collateral damage that was caused by Macbeth's greed and want for power. The losses of Duncan and Banquo were devastating. We shall find these three witches and punish them for what they have caused to happen to all. I, Malcom, vow to be a trust worthy king and have no foul play towards my people and friends. I shall make an effort to comfort and console the families of the ones whose lives were stolen from the world. I also move to outlaw all witches that do ill fate and foul play towards people. These events will be strongly fought against in my rule.
He attempted to bury the past by killing more and more people to try to cover up that he was the one who killed Duncan. Once Banquo started getting suspicious of Macbeth, he decided to kill him. “But to be safely thus. Our fears in Banquo/ Stick deep, and in his royalty of nature/ Reigns that which would be fear’d. ‘Tis must he dares/ And, to that dauntless temper of his mind” (III.i.52-54). Macbeth fears Banquo because he was starting to realize that Macbeth was the one to kill Duncan, and because of this he decided to kill Banquo. Macbeth committed over nine murders throughout the play, all revolving around the fact that he let others manipulate him.
Every action has a consequence, this statement relates to Shakespeare's play 'Macbeth', as Macbeth is a tragic hero who destroys himself by his own wicked and selfish ambitions. At the beginning of the play Macbeth is portrayed as a courageous,noble hero of Scotland who has bravely won victory over the war. After this win, Macbeth and Banquo come across three supernatural beings who prophesies Macbeth's rein as king of Scotland. As the story unfolds, the witches prophecy is proven to be correct and Macbeth soon becomes a tyrant king who is willing to murder anyone who will bring his rein to an end. Macbeth's spouse, lady Macbeth is also shown destroying her reputation of a noble woman through her barbaric actions. The statement every action has a consequence also correlates to the film 'the lion king' directed by Roger Allers and Rob Minkoff. The similarities of scars reckless actions to lead Simba and Mufasa (the king) into a stampede of wildebeests that ended in the death of Mufasa, is what led to scars downfall and death. Therefore, Shakespeare play 'Macbeth' implements the statement every action has a consequence through various ways, many similar to the film the lion king.
Macbeth realizes that the prophecy that the three witches told him is coming true, which blew his mind. Macduff fights for honor and Macbeth fights to kill and to stay alive even though he knows that he is destined to perish.
This passage can also connect to the theme of ambition for power. Macbeth is very desperate to be able to have power and not have to fear anyone that he decided to kill Macduff's son while Macduff's wife was eventually killed offstage. This passage can also connect back to Macbeth being a villain instead of a tragic hero because he never saved anyone. He ended up killing innocent people who had done nothing to cause him harm. A hero would have told Macduff not to flee instead of scaring him away and making his family worry because he had run away, leaving the rest of the family unprotected.
Macbeth, a tragic play written by William Shakespeare in the 17th century, expresses that the desire of power can make a man ignorant to the he does to achieve that supremacy. Over the years, there has been a controversy to whether Macbeth is a villain or a fatal character? However, this ingenious play was probably not written to exhibit a simple black and white character. Macbeth is merely a complicated character whose human nature enables him to consist of both good and bad traits.
Macbeth murdered his best friend, Banquo, for two different reasons. The witches’ predictions, that Banquo’s son is to become king, and the fear about Banquo’s knowledge of his dirty crime. Macbeth assigns the three murderers to kill both Banquo and his son Fleance.
Did you know if you say Macbeth in the theatre, you have to walk three times in a circle anti-clockwise then you have to spit on the floor because it is said to be a cursed play. A theme of Shakespeare’s Macbeth is that negative actions have negative consequences.
A messenger comes to tell Lady Macduff that something bad is about to happen to her and her family and her response is interesting. She says “I have done no harm. But I remember now I am in this earthly world, where to do harm Is often laudable, to do good sometimes Accounted dangerous folly” (lines 72-75 Macbeth 4:2) and I think we this was interesting to say because in this play even the good people gets messed up like the old king. Lady Macduff doesn’t flee and so the murderer comes into the castle and asks her where he is and of course she doesn’t know but her son insults the murderer and gets killed. They take Lady Macduff away and its interesting how the next scene is that Macduff walk on stage and Shakespeare dose this so perfect timing and that is one of his
This was the foundation to killing Banquo. Since the witches told him will become king he knew the only way it would come true is by killing Banquo. Once he killed him this lead to him killing more people. Also in act 4 Macbeth travels back to talk to the t witches to ask for more information on his future life. The witches show him a vision of soldiers who tell him to beware of Macduff and also the ghost of the slain boy soldier who gave him the dagger tells Macbeth that he won’t be lain by any man born of a women.
Life is all about the actions people take, and the consequences that follow soon after. Take for example Macbeth, the main protagonist commits violent acts that are necessary for him to become king, and turns tyrannous to stay in control soon after. This violence and tyranny led him to power, but consequently also to his downfall. Macbeth’s skill on the battlefield is what placed him as a possible prospect for king, and was the same reason he went down fighting. When in power, he ordered the complete annihilation of Macduff’s castle, resulting Macduff to come back with England’s help to stop his ruling of Scotland. Finally, the murder of King Duncan was the main factor needed for Macbeth to take the throne, but the unimaginable guilt of the
Banquo can be known as Macbeth’s competition throughout the novel and after Banquo was ordered to be murdered, Macbeth’s insanity gets the best of him. [ Act 3.4. 113 - 115 ] “ Avaunt, and quit my sight! Let the earth hide thee. Thy bones are marrowless; thy blood is cold. “ In this portion, Macbeth assumably visualize’s the ghost of Banquo at the dinner table. Perhaps his guilt after delegating his murder had revealed through his subconscious visions. After he had seen Banquo’s ghastly appearance, Macbeth had also seen many other
Macbeths greed and desire for the crown ->leads to killing of Duncan and the killing of Banquo and his conscience. Also his betrayal to his friends and himself. The turning point at which the conflict begins to resolve is the death of Macduff”s family.