
What Would It Entail?

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Imagine a world without moral responsibility. What would it entail? Without moral responsibility, legal systems today would necessarily undergo a dramatic revision. I have not a clue what they might result to. With constituents not being morally responsible for their actions, criminal acts become easily defensible. For the subject, he/she was not “free” at the time of the act, for one can only be morally responsible for an act if one was free and consciously willed the act ( ). Rape, theft, cheating, murder and torture thus become acceptable acts. A world without moral responsibility would imply more evil, more chaos, more social distrust of others, and more less-social beings…Imagine this world. Moral responsibility, then, matters for the sake of society and its people. It does though, as we see, presuppose one thing—a concept termed as free will. In the words of some philosophers, free will is a precondition for moral responsibility, but as a “thing” in itself, is hard to define ( ). I will only attempt to provide a working definition for the concept of free will to operate on in this paper, for we can agree that 1) moral responsibility matters in society and 2) moral responsibility presupposes that subjects are free at the time of their action, and willed it. But since the 80s, neuroscientists have claimed free will is a nonexistent, illusory thing. Brain experiments measuring neural activity that precedes voluntary conscious action suggest that our

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