
What is Globalisation? The word globalisation can be defined as having

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What is Globalisation? The word globalisation can be defined as having many meanings. What is Globalisation? The word “globalisation” can be defined as having many meanings, depending on how one wish to interpret the true meaning of globalisation. Primarily, it can be seen as an economic phenomenon, which over the years has integrated national economic systems through international trade and investment. In general it can be used to describe the increased pace of interconnectivity that has taken place over the recent years in states and societies, which contribute to the present world system. Globalisation has been made possible due to technological advances, which can now allow information and products to travel much …show more content…

These changes have undoubtedly been lead by changes in technology and transport since the Second World War. One issue that has not been studied in depth in recent years is the impact of the Internet on globalisation. The Internet has played a major part in the organisation of New Social Movements, without the Internet, organisation would be almost impossible. NSM through the use of emails and websites via the Internet can contact each other and organise demonstrations and express their opinions on possible changes to ideas. The Internet is used by a large majority of the world so the likelihood of contact and better organisation is greatly increased. I think this explanation is a valid and useful one in terms of the emergence of global social movements. The Internet allows groups such as the gay rights campaigners to contact supporters all over the world and increase membership and therefore creating a global social movement. (P Dunleavy, 2003) Globalisation has also resulted in many businesses setting up or buying operations in other countries. When a foreign company invests in a country, perhaps by building a factory or a shop, this is called inward investment. Companies that operate in several countries are called multinational corporations (MNCs) or transnational corporations (TNCs). McDonald's, the US fast food chain is a large MNC. It has nearly 30,000 restaurants in 119 countries. The

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