
What is Permaculture

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In the 1970’s, when the environmental and energy crisis began, and we realized the impact we had on our world, two Australians named Bill Mollison and David Holmgren developed a form of agricultural design they called “permaculture.” The term is a combination of the words “permanent” and “agriculture.” It is a design technique that involves making and using connections between humans, animals, plants, and the land. Brown (2012) stated that permaculture “draws from biology, ecology, and agriculture, combining them with architectural design and engineering methods to help us design a sustainable future.”
Permaculture is all about humans working with, instead of against nature. It is finding relationships and connections, and making a system that works together to solve problems. Toby Hemenway, author of Gaia’s Garden: A Guide to Home-Scale Permaculture, explained that permaculture is “the problem-solving approach used by the movement and philosophy to meet the goals of designing a world that meets human needs while enhancing the health of the planet that supports us.” (Blackstone, 2013).
Permaculture is built on three straightforward core ethics. Caring for the earth, caring for people, and fair sharing of the earth’s resources and abundance. As listed in Roth, (2011) these core ethics support 12 design principles defined by David Holmgren, a founder of permaculture. These design principles are:
1. Observe and interact.
2. Catch and store energy.
3. Obtain a yield.
4. Apply

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