
What is the Meaning of Being Human?

Satisfactory Essays

Being human. What is the meaning of being human? Everyone has been asking these questions yet no one can actually come to a full on conclusion, what it really is to be human, because nobody actually knows. When we are born nobody is automatically imprinted with what it means, because nobody knows. Sure people have their theories about it and their beliefs on what it is but that’s all it stays, and it remains theories. Throughout time, many philosophers have come up with plausible, but also contradicting answers to questions being asked about humanity and life. The two philosophers that have drawn my attention are Saint Augustine and Immanuel Kant and in this essay I will be comparing and outlining their similarities and differences on what these two philosophers feel is the meaning of being human.
Saint Augustine's Doctrine of Original Sin and Immanuel Kant's Categorical Imperative are two separate methods for taking a gander at evil. Both philosophers’ theories are different to a certain extent, Kant actually chooses to reject Augustine's Doctrine totally however there are still a few likenesses between the two. Where Augustine believes that humankind is evil in light of the issues of Adam and Eve, Kant accepts that in spite of the fact that we are evil by nature, we should first sidestep moral law to be evil, in this way we must be considered answerable for our own particular cognizant acts. Due to the fact that Kant and Augustine have such opposite opinions on evil or

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