
What the Audience Learns about the Characters of Macbeth and Banquo

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What the Audience Learns about the Characters of Macbeth and Banquo

Macbeth is a play written by Shakespeare in 1606. The play itself is a twisting tragedy, showing that even the strongest of people can be influenced in the wrong way. The play portrays the collapse of Macbeth: a trusted, brave, loyal servant of Scotland, but under the influence of evil he slowly turns into a malicious murderer.

Throughout the beginning of the play you have been introduced to the characters of: the evil and scheming witches, who are plotting to give Macbeth two predictions: that he is going to be the Thane of Cawdor and King. Since Macbeth is an ambitious person he will peruse these dreams and predictions. Also …show more content…

This is because; he wants his own glory, if they can see his future he wants to benefit from their predictions to; unlike Macbeth he doesn’t entirely trust the witches and thinks they are treacherous and very deceitful.

Soon after in the play, the witches begin to brainwash him with their predictions so much that he almost begs for them to stay and envisage more. I can prove this with this quote: “Stay you imperfect speakers. Tell me more. Speak I charge you.” Macbeth is a very commanding person but he has weaknesses: Glory and ambition, even though not necessarily a bad trait, but the witches have started brainwash him to use it for bad purposes to get what he wants and cause chaos.

Unlike Macbeth, Banquo is mentally stronger and yet again doesn’t wholly trust the witches, nether does he plead them to stay, however he wouldn’t mind hearing his future. I can support by point with this quote: "I neither beg nor fear your favours or your hates.” Banquo isn’t afraid of the witches and their supernatural-powers, however he to wants to know his future like Macbeth.

After the witches have left; Macbeth is still dazed at the predictions about the Kingship but also he doesn’t want to show his true feelings about all of the predictions; so he discreetly brings up the subject to Banquo. “Your children shall be Kings.” Already Macbeth feels

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