
What was the Women’s Suffrage Movement, and How did it Change America?

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Suffrage: the right to vote in political elections. The men in America have always had the right to vote. They have always had the right to do whatever they wanted. Women, on the other hand, have not. They haven’t always been allowed to vote. 1920 marked a significant landmark in American history. Women in all parts of the country voted in a political election for the first time. This may not sound like that big of a deal, but to the women of the 19th and 20th centuries. In the 1800s, women were not allowed to have a say in what was perceived to be a “man’s world.” They were expected to be mothers and housewives. Nothing more, nothing less. Women tried to get legislation to pass a reform, but they refused to listen. Because of this, they felt they needed to gain the right to vote. Seneca Falls, NY in 1848 marked the start of the women's suffrage movement. The movement, being led by many influential women, such as Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, was said to be one of the largest political movement of the 20th century. According to the National Women's History Museum, the movement was the “…single largest enfranchisement and extension of democratic rights in our nation’s history (“Rights for Women: The Suffrage”).” The advocacy for women's suffrage quieted down during the Civil War, but was brought back to life with the proposal of the 15th amendment, which would give black men the right to vote. When women's suffrage was brought back to the national scene, a

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