
When A Man Bites A Dog And The Dog: Is It Canine Justice?

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When a man bites a dog and the dog is put down for protecting itself; is it Canine Justice?

A dog could clip somebody with their teeth on accident while playing and it gets put down; Do

you believe justice is fair? When a dog gets euthanized for protecting its owner who was

attacked; Do you really believe the dog should get killed? How would you feel if you lost a kid?

To dog owner's, losing a family pet is the same thing. Dog's don't bite without reason. Dog bites

are not for illogical or irrational reasons. Many important factors stand out when looking at dog

bite cases: For example;

'''The trouble started on Saturday, when Richard Robbins, 44, of Melville, took his three

dogs for a walk in a field near the Birchwood Elementary School, …show more content…

An owner's negligence is no reason

to execute an animal. The owner of the dog/s could've abused them. There are many dog owners

who raise their animals to attack. A lot of questions should be asked before throwing a dog bite

case away like many judges do. For example; Was the dog provoked, was the owner present, was

the dog contained, and has the dog bitten before? They go ahead with euthanization without

questioning anything. The state believes that since it's a ”dangerous” animal, it should be put

down. Because of this a lot of innocent animals are killed for bites when they are not at fault.

Euthanasia is as much of a bother to the state as it is to the family who's losing their pet.

”Depending on the options you choose, putting your dog down can cost anywhere between $50

and $300 (or more).” Euthanization is extremely expensive which means a lot of people cannot

afford it. With how many dogs that get put down every day because of state, the price adds up.

”In America, each year 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs. Out of that only are fatal. More

than 800,000 receive medical attention for dog bites and half of those are children. Children

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