
When It Comes To The Death Penalty. Many People Around

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When it comes to the death penalty. Many people around the U.S. agree to have it, as to some don’t want the death penalty in some states. As will explain the difference of having the death penalty as to the good side and bad sides of the death penalty. The first information that I found is about the percentage of the inmates that are in death row. The first is the African americans that have 43.5%, as to 27 inmates. Next up is the latino’s as they have 11.3% and they have 7 inmates. Whites have 41.9% and they have 26 inmates. The first case that I found that went good for the people that are for the death penalty. The inmate name is Gustavo Garcia as he was charged with capital murder for using a shotgun and shooting the person name …show more content…

Reasons why I picked two different cases with different reasons is because people should see how the death penalty sometimes makes mistakes as to effecting the people that didn’t do the crime and now they are paying the consequences for someone that is running free while the victim now is locked up and now placed in death row. As now i would say sometimes the system would fail at times when it comes to finding out who is the real killer of the people they killed.

The next information I found was the one organization that is trying to abolish the capital punishment. In there website it talks about how qoute “ Killing People Because They Killed People to Show That Killing People Is Wrong’ Makes Sense, Right?” These people don’t really like about the death penalty because they think it is not right to kill someone else just because they killed someone as to them they rather want the person lucked up for life and have them die of natural causes instead by force. With this organization they have help as to try to have over 20 national organizations. In the state of Nebraska there is a map where it shows that it has been Abolished in 2015. In 1976 there has been 3 Executions since. As of right now there is 10 people in death row waiting. Last as to one person to be Innocent and to be free from death row.
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