
When We Lie Research Paper

Decent Essays

Liar, liar, pants on fire. The world often rebukes liars:whether with a catchy phrase or by point blank calling them a liar. As a whole society, we view lying as a cardinal sin. “It is essential to tell the truth at all times. This will reduce life’s pain. Lying distorts reality. All forms of distorted thinking must be corrected.”(John Bradshaw) Normally this is true, but once you think about it, lies have saved people for years. We have lies that help children when their teeth fall out: lies about an old man, with tiny helpers, that flies around on December 24, delivering presents under a tree; in addition to those lies, we have lies that help save others pride. We accept lies when we lie for the benefit of others
When we lie to children about Santa, the Tooth Fairy, or the …show more content…

Malls hire fat, white men (around the month of December) dress them up, and create elaborate displays of Santa’s work shop, to create the illusion that “Santa has come to town”. During April we bring out the dusty, furry white bunny costume to fabricate the reason for millions of colorful eggs scattered in the grass. We as a society accept lying to children for the benefit of their imagination, and innocents. In Lars and the Real Girl the town holds the same views when they to lie to Lars and pretend Bianca the doll was a real person. Although Lars’s brother Gus struggles to go along with the lie of Bianca’s existence. Dr. Dagmar brings to life the existence of Bianca when she hinted, “ She is real. She is right out there” when Gus declared “ She is not real.” The similarities between Lars and lying to children is that we lie to benefit the person being lied too. For Lars the town finally was able to connect to Lars, who is normal very secluded person, once Bianca came to town. To the town it was beneficial to play into Lars delusion. For parents of children they believe making up fictional characters to create a delusion like Santa brings magic into their child’s imagination.

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