
Where Have All The Rivers Gone Essay

Decent Essays

Egypt’s history has became one of the extensive histories out of other countries in the world. In ancient times, the country depended on the Nile River for most of its agriculture. The Nile River remains an essential part of the country’s resources. According to Sandra Postel in her article “Where Have All the Rivers Gone?”, Egypt depended on the Nile for most of its irrigation of crops including rice, cotton, and many others. In addition to ancient history, there’s plenty to know about Egypt’s modern history. Sometime around 1800, European powers dominated Egypt when other foreign powers were conquering the country. France and Britain, specifically, invaded the country for themselves for a moderate amount of time. According to John Esposito, Napoleon Bonaparte of France ruled Egypt for three years after 1798 (773). With Britain seeing Egypt as a threat, Muhammad Ali signed the Treaty of London in 1840 which disbanded Egypt’s war industries. Both …show more content…

It lies within Northern Africa, where it borders the Mediterranean Sea and occupies between the Libya and Gaza Strip. Each of these regions has a distinct impact on the residents of Cairo. The Mediterranean Sea brings the weather to Cairo’s residents from the northern border (World Travel Guide). The deserts of Sudan and in Libya are almost seamless at the south and west (World Travel Guide). Egypt has a lot of information about the seasons. The country’s climate consists of a desert terrain with hot summers and average winters. The seasons give away even bigger effects on the geography, hot, dry summers from June to August offer the risk of dehydration or heat exhaustion, confining people indoors during early afternoon (World Travel Guide). The winters on the other hand are mild and overcast, which could make the area look dull (World Travel Guide). Geography and climate have made many huge impacts on how the country looks depending on the

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