
Where Will I Get My Driver's License From Childhood To Adulthood?

Decent Essays

In my life, I have accomplished many things, but receiving my driver’s license is what transitioned me from my childhood to adulthood. Getting my license gave me a sense of freedom because I didn’t have to depend on my parent’s or older sister to drive me around. I waited a few months after I was eligible to receive my license to finally acquire it. It took me a while to realize that I was just making excuses not to have it. In reality, I was afraid of the responsibility driving requires, having a license meant that I was in control of my life, and I didn’t know what to do with my new freedom.
The idea of having my license made me excited, but the thought of driving terrified me. My greatest fear driving is getting into an accident. I would …show more content…

I have always been told what to do with teachers’ in school and by my parent’s at home. When I received my license, it made me feel independent, and I was able to grow as a person. Driving transitioned me to adulthood because my life was now in my own hands. If I made a mistake there was no one to blame but myself. Lastly, once I received my driver’s license it was difficult to figure out where to go from there. Obtaining my driver’s license was exciting, but at the same time I was perfectly content being driven everywhere. After I became comfortable with having my license I have become a more outgoing person. Before I was a homebody, I never really went anywhere besides going places with my family. Now that I have grown into adulthood, I enjoy being more social and making plans with my friends. Overall, I have greatly grown by transitioning into adulthood since acquiring my driver’s license; people close to me have even noticed a difference. It was the accomplishment I needed and wanted to achieve despite my hesitation. The more I drive, the more I progress. Thankfully, I have yet to be in an accident, or get pulled over by a police officer. By obtaining my license I was capable of getting over my fears, taking control of my life, and becoming more

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