
White Man Impact

Decent Essays

Impact of the White Man on Western United States During the late eighteen hundreds, the Western United states began to change. This was due to the settlement of the white man expanding for many reasons; population had increased, food was becoming more of a necessity due to shortages, and it was becoming cramped in the southern states. Also, due to the idea of the Manifest Destiny, which is the belief that it was the white man's right to take the land no matter what it takes. Farmers, trappers, miners, and pilgrims traveled across the country in search of better lives to support their families along with their country. Americans are not the most friendly and sharing people, especially when settlements of the white man began in the Western United States. Conflicts between native americans and americans began to occur. Americans did not picture themselves living side by side with the indians. This resulted in the government reserving the plains region to indians in 1834. Understandingly, the native americans mostly resisted relocation which resulted in small battles. Eventually the indians agreed after the Wounded Knee Massacre of 1890 which killed around 300 natives. Whites tried to assimilate the indians and make them white, this resulted in native american schools where they were mostly taught how to work, along with white culture. Although the whites did do a lot of bad to the indians, they did do some good. Whites supplied horses to the natives which became their main

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