
Who Could Spot Drone Regulations?

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Who Could Spot Drone Regulations? Picture someone sitting inside their house by an opened window, enjoying their personal activities like reading a book or watching television; when all of a sudden, they hear the soft quiet buzzing noise outside the window. They look up to see what looks like a flying remote control toy weighing about fifty-five pounds or less, with four miniature flying helicopter propellers, along with a camera staring right back at them. Then the trail of concerns and questions begin: Who is watching? Is someone taking photographic footage? Why are they watching? Aren’t they trespassing? Can this flying technology cause physical harm? In today’s society, these remote controlled miniature flying pieces of technology are called domestic drones, also known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV’s) (“Using Drones”). These domestic drones range in size, and have the ability to fly in all directions with a wide signal range. They also have the capabilities of flying almost anywhere that is open to air space, and can maintain a stable level flying position due to their evenly distributed symmetrical structure (McGlynn). This means that drones can hover in one place and capture high definition images. Domestic drones have the “ability to house high-powered cameras, infrared sensors, facial recognition technology, and license plate readers,” as well as the ability to make customized attachments like weapons, or storage compartments (Dolan; Goodman). The accessibility

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