
Who Is Beowulf As An Epic Hero

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“A hero can go anywhere, challenge anyone, as long as he has the nerve.” (Riordan). Beowulf chooses to embrace his fate and boasts that he is the only man who can kill Grendel. He travels to the land of the Danes. His Anglo Saxon society believes in fate rather than immortality. Beowulf wants to achieve immortality through his actions. Beowulf is an epic hero because he is significant and glorified, has superior or superhuman strength, and performs brave deeds.
Beowulf is glorified not only by the anglo saxons but by the danes for his courage and bravery. Hrothgar and beowulf men celebrate him for his actions. After Beowulf kills grendel he gets glorified by the geats. When beowulf kills grendel's mother he gets glorified by the danes and the geats …show more content…

Beowulf is very brave when he defeats grendel because grendel was terrorizing the danes also beowulf helps out hrothgar by doing that. Beowulf kills grendel's mother and then he takes the head of grendel and the sword of the giants with him to the surface and then he gives his men the head of grendel and it takes 4 of his men to pick up the head they take it to hrothgar and he thanks beowulf for the brave deed and gives him a good place to sleep. Beowulf goes to the dragon's lair and his men went in with him but then as he started to fight his men tried to stab the dragon but there swords would not pierce the dragon's skin and then the men just flead away and wiglaf stayed to help his cousin beowulf takes a couple hard blows but he punctures the dragon and wiglaf helps beowulf defeat the dragon he cuts the head of the dragon with his sword and saves beowulf from that terrible being. To show appreciation to beowulf they build him a tomb put his ashes inside the tomb walls and buried the treasure around his tomb instead of taking it all. Beowulf is an epic hero because he is significant and glorified, has superior or superhuman strength, and performs brave deeds. Beowulf

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