
Who Is Bilbo In The Hobbit

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Tolkien sets up the first meal between Biblo and dwarfs to act as a way to create the connection of camaraderie between strangers in order to emphasis the need for real connection within Bilbo’s ordered life. When the afternoon tea time arrives Bilbo is greeted by thirteen unexpected dwarf guests at his hobbit hole door. As the unexpected party around him grows, Bilbo stands at the edges unable to connect with the group. It is Gandalf who brings Bilbo into the conversation by declaring that the hobbit would become the groups new burglar. Thorin the leader of the company of dwarves disagrees with Gandalf stating that Bilbo is “more like a grocer than a burglar!” (Hobbit 22). Thorin in this comment points out the role that Bilbo plays within …show more content…

Bilbo is represented as living a dull and mundane life since he not a “burglar” or someone who by nature of the role has to take drastic action against laws of society. By reminding the audience of the difference between characters, it is clear that Biblo has a separation that he must overcome with the dwarfs who through this scene express admiration for each other and willingness to risk everything for their goals. While Bilbo is stuck as someone who lives without risk and in turn without companionship. By questioning his role, Thorin allows Biblo to reconsider his life of isolation. This can be seen as Bilbo who was angrily listening to this comment by Thorin has his “took side” win, feeling that “he would rather go without bed and breakfast to be thought fierce” and speaks up for himself stating that he will join as a burglar in the group. (Hobbit 22) This dinner symbolically acts as a split in the character of Bilbo, his took side or his push for adventure drives him towards accepting his role within the group. By rejecting both bed and breakfast, he is rejecting the part of him that wants to live a structured and comfortable modern

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