
Who Is Blame And The Human Experience?

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WHO TO BLAME & The Human Experience
A common, easy answer for why teenagers start experimenting with drugs is for fun,or that it’s the media’s fault. Supposedly, that’s where the blame belongs… But it’s time to look beyond- beyond the hundreds of scientific journals and studies, with their hyped up numbers and percentages; past the government issued ads and commercials, warning parents to supervise what their kids watch on TV and put passwords on their computers; past the dead end, unhelpful answer. We’ve tried censoring tv shows and forcing kids to watch thousands of anti-drug PSAs. It’s time to realise that the answer could be more complicated, and the blame belongs elsewhere, closer to home. And so this poses the question, what are the …show more content…

Many drug users experience ”the feeling of being connected, of being accepted” when in a high. Emotional pressures, stress, social acceptance are all common roots for adolescent drug usage; and these roots are amplified by a lack of support from family and friends, and economic challenges early on in life.

Real stories
Often in these sort of situations, numbers and percentages come before real human stories. We have a tendency to dehumanize tragic matters, for instance, with our casualties counts for wars, to make it easier for us to comprehend horrible realities of mass losses. “About 75% of homeless teens use drugs or alcohol as a means to self-medicate to deal with the traumatic experiences and abuse they face. 1 in 7 young people between the ages of 10 to 18 will run away” (11 facts). When we quote these statistics, we often forget about the humans lives we’re computing. In preparation for this essay, I interviewed friends who had serious experiences with very serious drugs; whether it was their family and friends, or themselves who were using. I set out to find the real reason why teens begin using harsh substances, and how hard drug use can derail the life of a teenager; that, even in Canada, a world leader in education, drug addiction and the circumstances of drug addiction take their heavy toll. Going past the black and white

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