
Who Is Bola Agbaje's Sense Of Belonging?

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Agbaje's sense of dislocation and loss of belonging to either Nigeria or Britain resulted in a state of confusion which continued with her in her childhood and in her teens too. She recalls the memories of her first day in high school. She states: I went around the classroom asking everyone where they were from and when I was asked I told my classmates I was half Jamaican and half African. Thinking back, I don't know why I did it, I mean I know why at the time, I was ashamed of being African most Africans where I grew up were ashamed. It was cooler to be West Indian. ("Bola Agbaje-One of England's most talented playwrights" 2012) As she was ashamed of declaring her Nigerian roots, Agbaje told her friends in the secondary school that she was

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