
Who Is Boo Radley

Satisfactory Essays

On July 11, 1960, Harper Lee published a novel titled To Kill A Mockingbird. This book is written from the point of view of a little girl, Jean Louise “Scout” Finch. The book is well written and filled with many wonderful characters, but one of my favorites is Boo Radley. Arthur “Boo” Radley was from a recluse family in Maycomb County called the Radleys. At the beginning of the book (page 10), he was described as a “malevolent phantom”. For every little thing that went wrong in the town, Boo was thought to be the culprit. As time went on, however, Boo began to show his true colors. On the last page of the book, Scout described him as nice.(376) Although there are many parts in this book that have Boo, my personal favorite has to be when Scout

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