
Who Is Creon Tragic Hero

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Creon, King of Thebes, has done much wrong. He abused his power, he made harsh laws and he forced people do what he wanted. Creon was born into nobility and was able to take full power to the throne. He possesses a tragic flaw that is vital to his downfall. Finally, Creon realizes that he has made an irreversible mistake that was his own doing. Creon identified as the tragic hero through the characteristics he has as a person that are similar to those of a tragic hero.
Creon has been born into nobility and now is king of Thebes, this identifies him as the tragic hero. The first time Creon is identified as being born into nobility is his own declaration of himself, as next in blood for the full power of the throne. Creon proclaims, “As the …show more content…

Where Creon first realizes he made an irreversible mistake is when he realizes everyone he loves or has loved has died and is gone forever and can’t come back. As Creon sobs over what he has done he says, “Whatever my hands have touched has come to nothing, fate has brought all my pride to a thought of dust,” (789). Creon lost everything he has done. He believes everything he has done has been obliterated and does not exist. He blames fate and himself for what has happened. Creon realizes he has lost all that he has loved and he realizes it was his own fault that this has happened. The second time Creon realizes he has made an irreversible mistake is when he realizes that has done a lot wrong and that what he has done brought him great pain.Creon, now understanding what he has done, says, “The pains that men will take to pain,” (787). Creon now fully understand what he has done. He knows that he has made mistakes, many bad mistakes over his time as king and maybe even prior. He knows now that his mistakes have led to the pain he is feeling. The pain of his wife, son, and part of himself gone forever. Creon can be shown as the tragic hero by his realization of an irreversible mistake he has made and the way he has has been abusing his power as king. He has lost his family through the awful decisions he has made. He even knows that he himself has made mistakes. He know that the mistakes he has made caused him to live without his son or wife. Creon realizes he has made mistakes and the mistakes have led to his family's death and has led to his suffering, this is what identifies him as a tragic

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