
Who Is Dee In Everyday Use

Decent Essays

In “Everyday Use” written by Alice Walker tells a story from a mother’s point of view talking about her two daughters, Dee and Maggie. She describes Dee as a child who wants everything and it has to be nice. No matter how hard her mother works. Dee doesn’t understand her heritage and decides to change it. She meets a new guy and changes her name to Wangero which is an African name. Dee does come home to visit her mother and her sister. Dee wants a lot of her mother’s heirlooms which she will use as decoration to show off but not appreciate them. During this story, Dee shows a few character traits that stick out such as being materialistic, high maintenance, and ungrateful. She exhibits these throughout the whole story. Dee is a character who shows signs of being materialistic. She is a young lady who wants all nice items and flashy clothes. When Dee comes to visit her mother and sister she asks her mother for …show more content…

Dee (Wangero) looked up at me. “Aunt Dee’s first husband whittled the dash,” said Maggie so low you almost couldn’t hear her.” (Walker, Everyday Use). This shows how Dee doesn’t even know where some of the items came from but her younger sister does. Maggie pays attention to those kind of things unlike Dee. High maintenance is another character trait of Dee. She always wants the best of things and nothing less. “Dee wanted nice things. At sixteen she had a style of her own: and knew what style was.” (Walker, Everyday Use). The local church and her mother even raised money for her to go to a better school, even though Maggie didn’t get to go to that school with her. Dee’s mother didn’t even go to school after it burned down when she was in second grade. Dee did come home to visit her mother and Maggie, and showed up in a big, bright orange and yellow dress, gold, long earrings, and her hair all done up. She always wants the best no matter what it cost to her or her

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