
Who Is Friar Laurence In Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet Normally, Priests are resourceful and wise, however this was not the case. In the play Romeo and Juliet By William Shakespeare, Friar Laurence is the true culprit for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Friar Laurence made many faulty and awful decisions throughout the play; His participation in the marriage of Romeo and Juliet, giving Juliet the poison, sending another person to deliver the letter, and abandoning Juliet at the Tomb had led up to their death. First off, Friar Laurence married Romeo and Juliet knowing that it wasn’t real and instead started it all. After Romeo met Juliet he went to Friar laurence to talk about how he really loved her. But Friar laurence had really thought that it was just lust: Is Rosaline, …show more content…

(4.2.69-70). The idea of giving someone a poison that put them in a trance had many faults. For one thing, Juliet could have never woke up, or it could have not worked at all. Also, If Friar Laurence did not think of the idea then Juliet never would have been put in the tomb. Therefore, all of the events that followed; Romeo and Juliet’s death never would have happened. Chung 3 Third, Friar Laurence gave an important letter for Romeo to someone else to deliver. Friar Laurence sent a letter that had contained info about their plan. Somehow, the messenger had gotten stuck and was unable to deliver the message: Unhappy fortune! By my brotherhood, The letter was not nice, but full of charge Of dear import, and the neglecting it May do much danger. Friar John, go hence. (4.2.83). Friar Laurence should not have trusted someone else to deliver the letter. Because of his error Romeo thought that Juliet was dead and had gone to the tomb to kill himself. Furthermore, If Friar Laurence had gone to Romeo and told him himself then his plan would have worked. As a result, Friar Laurence had sent another being to deliver the message to Romeo and had created even more

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