
Who Is Johnny Cade A Dynamic Character

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In The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, Johnny Cade is a dynamic character. Johnny is a greaser who is part of a gang. This book takes place in Tulsa, Oklahoma. There are two main social groupings. The greasers are one of them. They live on the East side and they are poor. They seem to have a lot of problems. The other group is the Socs. Socs appear to have no problems and they are so rich. Well, the two groups do not get along. They fight many times. The Socs like to jump the greasers. It seems Johnny gets the short stick all the time. He has it rough at home. His dad beats him and his mother loves to yell at him. Most of the time he stays away from his home. Although he is a greaser too. His life just seems to be super difficult. Until he changes. …show more content…

One piece of evidence to show that he is fearful is, “Johnny Cade was last and least. If you can picture a little dark puppy that has been kicked too many times and is lost in a crowd of strangers, you’ll have Johnny”(Hinton 11). Johnny has a tough life. He is beat by the Socs very badly. No one else in the gang has ever been beaten this badly. And with that Johnny is afraid for his life. In the book the narrator is younger than Johnny however, he brings up that Johnny is, “ … everyone’s kid brother”(Hinton 12). This shows the gang thinks of Johnny as a little immature. It is almost as he is helpless like a child. Lastly, Johnnyis very quiet. He does not speak very much and always has, “a nervous suspicious look in his eyes”(Hinton 11). Even though the gang likes having Johnny around, Johnny has trouble relating to the guys in the gang besides Ponyboy, the narrator. This is why Johnny doesn't speak much. However, Johnny changes when he accidentally kills a …show more content…

A piece of evidence that shows Johnny’s strength is, “Johnny yelled, ‘Shut up! We’re going to get you out!”’(Hinton 92). This is after Johnny kills the soc, and Johnny and Ponyboy are hiding out in the church. When they return to find the church on fire, they run in a save the kids that are in the church. In the fire Johnny gets hit in the back with a piece of wood, and he is then hospitalized. Sadly while he is the hospital, the gang realizes he is gonna pass. So when the greasers win the rumble, the big fight between the greasers and socs, Ponyboy goes to see Johnny. Since Johnny knows he is dying, he says, “Stay gold, Ponyboy, stay gold”(Hinton 148). While Johnny and Ponyboy were hiding in the church, they watched a sunset. Johnny thought the sky was so pretty and he wished it could stay like that forever. So, Ponyboy recites a poem about how nothing gold/perfect can stay. When Johnny is dying he says this to Ponyboy in regards to Ponyboy’s sensitive side. Johnny and Ponyboy understand each other so well because they are the only very emotional guys in the gang. Johnny does not want Ponyboy to lose his sensitive side just because he is the only very emotional guy in the gang. Finally Johnny becomes more outgoing. In the fire Ponyboy describes his attitude as, “He wasn’t scared either. That was the only time I can think of when i saw him without that defeated, suspicious look in his eyes”(Hinton 92). Johnny’s

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