
Who Is Malcolm X?

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Do you ever wonder how life would turn out if MLK was assassinated first, and Malcolm X would take over as the civil rights leader? Life turn out differently because no one be judged by their color like how people still get judg Malcolm X believed in violence, freedom, and separation between the whites and the blacks due to their racism. Malcolm X knew that the revolutionary war brought peace to the Americans, and knew that the same thing would happen to the blacks if they rebelled against the white. Furthermore, he claimed that the, in order to find a solution, was to achieve it by any way possible including war. If the Black’s would separate from the whites, the Blacks would not suffer how they suffer right now.Although MLK had a brilliant idea of getting equal rights, Malcolm X was not only looking for a …show more content…

“Perhaps Malcolm X’s greatest contribution to society was demonstrating the great lengths to which human beings will go to secure freedom.” The word “perhaps” helps the reader infer how people that are loyal to their own race would sacrifice a lot for their own race. Malcolm X would rather take a path that secures the Blacks victory against Whites even if he had to use violence. Malcolm X believed that in order to truly have the freedom you needed to gain that freedom with any method and that means to use violence against Whites. So, Malcolm X will use violence to gain his view of actual freedom instead of equal rights like the Whites. Malcolm X is better suited as a civil rights leader because of his own views in true freedom instead of equal rights. “Malcolm X urged blacks to cast off the shackles of racism by any means necessary, including violence.” The words “urged” and “including” portray the author's idea of Malcolm X viewing his people in a different country where all his kind get along with one

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