
Who Is Martin Luther King Jr.: A Modern Day Prophet?

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Martin Luther King Jr. is considered a modern day prophet for many reasons. He inspired many people to speak up about a problem about our country and expect them to never give up. MLK was considered most important African American in his era. MLK for one reason is a modern day prophet because he speaks what is wrong with the country. Martin Luther King Jr is a favorable modern day prophet because, He brought equal rights to African Americans, spoke his message without any violence, and spoke of the awful dilemma of the time. Martin Luther King (MLK) was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia and changed his name from Michael to Martin so he could honor a German reformer, Martin Luther. Martin was a middle child with an older sister, Willie Christine King, and younger brother, Daniel Williams King. He loved to sing and listen to music so his Mother, Alberta took him to various churches to sing. King was educated in Atlanta, graduating from Booker T Washington high school. After graduating, he enrolled in Morehouse College, where his grandfather studied. He was going to at first, study medicine or law but decided to major in sociology later he found ministry irresistible, so he served as an assistant to his father at Ebenezer while …show more content…

He also said a prophet is someone who can feel the feelings of god and humanity. Martin can also be compared to Isaiah because Martin uses a line Isaiah uses to spread his word. “I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places shall be made plain, and the crooked places shall be made straight and the glory of the lord will be revealed and all the flesh will be seen together”. getting back to Gandhi, they both used nonviolence to equal rights, and they both succeeded without using any

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