
Who Is Martin Luther King's Contribution To The Civil Rights Activist?

Decent Essays

The fifthteenth of the first month of the year twenty-nine was the date of when Martin Luther King Jr was born. He grew up in Atlanta, Georgia where half of the population was filled with African Americans.He was an activist , Baptist Administrator, humanitarian, and the leader of the African American Civil Rights Movement.(He brought change throughout the South states by inspiring the whites and black to get along and say that just because you have different colored skin doesn’t mean you are fairly powerful than the other and he tried to make the whites and black equal. He was commemorated throughout history because King was inspiration to all the people back then, he had been loyal to God and had gone to church every day which gave him …show more content…

Dr. King also wrote five books that had to do with racism relations that he published in 1958 to 1968. On December 1, 1955, King was the President of foundation called Montgomery Bus Boycott which was an activation for walking. This all happened when Rosa Parks refused to go sit in the back of the bus and soon was after she arrested because of her refusal. It was a 13 month mass protest that ended with the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that segregation on public buses is unconstitutional. (http://king encyclopedia, about_ keeping_the_ dream _ alive/ index.html) In 1957, when the Montgomery Bus Boycott was seeking success king and the other southern black ministers founded Southern Christian Leadership Conference( SCLC) King emphazized of black voting rights when spoke at the Lincoln Memorial during 1957. During 1958, he published a book called Stride Towards Freedom: The Montgomery Story. During the past years, he toured India and increased his understanding Gandhian non-violent strategies. At the end of 1959, he went back to …show more content…

Johnson as Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1964 into a law. Later on, before King did this King gave his renown speech entitled “ I Have a Dream”. One of the line that he said is, “ But one hundred years later, we must face the tragic fact that the Negro is still not free.” ( King 147) King gave his speech at the Lincoln Memorial which drew more than 100 people.They gathered around King and listened to his awe-inspiring speech. It took more time for the whites to believe in him and not all of them hated him. Some liked him and weren’t racist at all while others didn’t care and disagreed with him and saying bad stuff about him. King persuaded more and more people but he didn’t quit he wanted negroes to be equal and have a life that was equal as the whites. Some of his famous speeches were entitled “ March on Washington for jobs and Freedom”,” Letter from Birmingham Jail”, “ I’ve been to the Mountaintop” and “ Beyond

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