
Who Is Maya Angelou's I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings?

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The main purpose of Maya Angelou’s I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings is to recount the early life of Maya Angelou, through the eyes of her childhood. The book shows how her testimony marks the beginning of a new era: how racism and segregation helped her become a voice for the problems of our time, especially for women. As a child, thinking of herself as a fat black girl trapped in a twisted reality, she internalized that blonde hair and white skin were beautiful. She was raised in Stamps, Arkansas, a place so segregated that she believed white people were only a figment of the black imagination: “In Stamps the segregation was so complete that most Black children didn’t really, absolutely know what whites looked like” (25). As she grew older, she was continually a victim of discrimination: in a power play, her white boss shortened her name, Marguerite, to Mary. Angelou saw that move as demeaning, the way one would treat a pet animal. Furthermore, a white dentist refused to treat her because of her skin color: “Now, my policy is I don’t treat colored people,” said Dentist Lincoln (188). These two experiences helped Angelou realize how disgusting people could be. The central theme of I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings is “Even if we are caged birds, we must learn to defy the odds and gods and sing our song” …show more content…

Angelou takes us through many different periods of her life, and gives us a clear understanding of the situations that she has faced: “If growing up is painful for the Southern Black girl, being aware of displacement is the rust on the razor that threatens the throat. It is an unnecessary insult” (4). She said that she was not only a victim of racism and sexism, but she felt displaced by her parents when the sent her to live with her grandmother; however, she overcame this obstacle. Her example teaches us about true strength and that we must stand by our views despite the opinions of

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