
Who Is Responsible For The Death Of Romeo And Juliet Essay

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Romeo and Juliet Essay In the tragedy, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, William expresses that love kills when Juliet kills herself because she can not be with Romeo at the end of the play. In the play Juliet and Romeo are hated by each of their families but find a way to fall in love with each other. Juliet is bound to follow her parents wishes and commands and not fall for the hated enemy, but she does. Once Romeo and Juliet fall in love with each other many complications fall into their hands and eventually both of their lives has to come to an end. Once both of them have passed on, the tragedies still continue. Due to Juliet’s death it has caused many other deaths in her family and the hatred rival family. Lady Capulet decides to become one with Juliet …show more content…

Instead of following the rules she disobeyed her parents by marrying the families enemy and the love of her life, Romeo. In Romeo and Juliet Juliet causes may more tragedies due to her death. When Juliet and Romeo decided to kill themselves over the love they had for each other it caused many more deaths. One death that Juliet has caused was her mother’s, Lady Capulet. Lady Capulet decided to kill herself over the grievance of her daughter. “quote” In this quote Shakespeare describes that Lady Capulet has passed on due to the death of her daughter. In the book Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare demonstrates that love kills when Juliet dies. In the book it says that Juliet died in her sleep but she did not. Juliet tricked everyone but the frier. Juliet was to take a potion that made her fall asleep so she would wake up to the love of her life. Once Juliet would wake up Romeo and her would run away together. Instead of that happening they both ended up passing away. “quote”. In this quote it described that Romeo and juliet have killed people because of their love for each other. Once the parents of Romeo and Juliet find their children's dead bodies next to each other they both passed

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