
Who Is The Author Of The Cuckoo's Nest

Decent Essays

Ghazzi AlQussaibi is a prolific writer who wrote several novels, poems in the Arabic language. Most of his literary work gained popularity among many Arab readers. He served as an ambassador of Saudi Arabia to the United Kingdom and Ireland for ten years. Considering the amount of literary works he had written over the years, only few of his novels and poems were translated into English. In 1996, Leslie J. McLoughlin translated his novel An Apartment Called Freedom that he wrote in 1994.
Translators are literary ambassadors, bringing a foreign work to the audience of the target language. Since the beginning of the semester, I have started to translate a novel called Alasfuriah, literally means “bird’s nest.” The title is used metaphorically …show more content…

This thwarts series of interesting stories with his doctor, Sameer Thabet, who questions the professor’s state of mind to uncover more interesting, twisted personalities of the demented, hallucinated professor. The plot of the story is very complex and mostly told by the professor. Little is given from his doctor, Sameer Thabet. The difficulty in the whole novel is that it’s not consistent and organized as the professor jumps from one story to another without logical sequencing. The whole setting in the novel takes place in the professor’s ward where the doctor Sammer Thabet sits for hours examining the professor’s state of …show more content…

In the very beginning of the novel, the professor claims credit of discovering the relativity theory with Albert Einstein. Then he gives a mathematical equation that has no sense at all. The whole purpose of giving this equation is to show that the professor value time in life with friends over enemies. Then the professor jumps to another topic without completing what he already started. Having little background in mathematics, I translated those symbols as they are. The only thing I add for the purpose of clarification to the reader is to explain that a moment you spend with your lover goes by faster than a moment you spend with your enemy at the rate of

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