
Study Report On Localization Of Game

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Practice Study Report on Localization of Game Text in Grandpa
Guided by the functionalist theory, this report attempts to explore the feasible strategies and practical methods of the localization in video games, by conducting a case study on the localization of the video game Grandpa. It is hopeful that this report shall help with the actual translation on video games and inspire further researches referring to the field.
As the "world 's largest test cult phenomenon" (Grossman, 2004: 27), video games have already developed into a global entertainment industry nowadays. The game market in China is dominated by foreign games as to the low-tech situation, which has laid the importance of video game import and …show more content…

In Reiss 's theory, text type decides approaches, which tells that the features of game text determine the methods shall be used. The skopos theory also coincides with the chiefly principal rule of game text translation. What 's more, we should pay attention to the functions of game text without violating the original idea of the ST, which is also accord with the function plus loyalty principle of Nord.
Chapter II Translation process of Grandpa: A Case Study
Eugene Nida puts forward four basic step of translation procedure: "analysis of the source text, transfer from source to target language, restructuring in the target language, testing of the translated text" (Nida, 1964: 241-245). In this chapter, I will report on a case study on the localization of the video game Grandpa, discussing the jobs involved in the process of pre-translation, translation and post translation.
2.1 Pre-translation phase: evaluation and preparation
Daniel Gouadec (2002: 273) said in Translation as a Profession that "most translation problems and potential risks could be resolved by getting as much information as possible prior to a translation project". As to the translation project in this report, I made preparation in the following aspects:
(1) Background study of the video game: Set in the late 19th century, Grandpa is an illustrated interactive story about Emi and her grandpa trying to find his hat. With less than 20 minutes needed to

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