
Who Is The Most Terrifying Character In The Fall Of The House Of Usher

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The short story”The Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allan Poe,the author described the character Madeline.The story’s most terrifying character is Madeline. In the story, Madeline never looks at anyone and never talks. When the Narrator was in the house”Madeline disappeared into the shadows.(153 pg) She disappeared into the darkness without speaking a work.(153 pg) Furthermore, she dies and come back to life.Usher said his sister”Lady Madeline who is no more. A strong wind blew open the window and threw Usher on the floor. Madeline seemed to hover like a ghost. Madeline pale blood-stained form fell upon her brother Usher and bore him to the floor- a corpse. In the summary, Madeline is the most interesting character because

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